Added on 19 August 2018
On the 6th August 2018 South Lanarkshire Council made the above Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will make it unlawful for any person to drive or cause or permit to be driven any motor vehicle (with the exception of vehicles engaged on carriageway resurfacing works) on A71 Ayr Road, Stonehouse (between Lockhart Street and Canderside Toll) by reason of works to be executed on or near these roads.
The Order will be in operation from 20:00 until 05:00 each night from 20:00 on Sunday 9th September until 05:00 on Saturday 15th September.
Diversion route
Traffic will be diverted along A723 Townhead Street; Green Street; Barn Street; Commercial Road; A723 Hamilton Road; A723 Strathaven Road; A723 Low Waters Road; Portland Place; A723 Gateside Street; A723 Duke Street; Low Patrick Street; A72 Townhead Street; A72 Carlisle Road; B7078 Carlisle Road. Local access will be maintained.