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Stonehouse Community Council

Police front counters Review Update

Added on 28 October 2012

Divisional Commander, Eddie Smith has advised:

As part of the consultation process there have been a number of elected members, including members of the Strathclyde Police Authority, residents and community groups who have raised concerns in relation to the proposals for their local police office.  As a consequence a detailed paper was brought to the full Authority meeting on 25th October 2012.

Following the review it has been agreed that at this time, there will be no reduction in the current opening hours of the Force’s front counter operations. However, the Police Authority has approved the introduction of a change to the staffing structure and a new shift pattern which is better aligned to the welfare of personnel. Station Assistants will move over to their new shift patterns on 3 December 2012.

As we progress towards a single Force, I would reassure you that we have listened, and will continue to listen to the concerns of elected members and constituents.  I trust that this information assures you that we remain completely committed to providing the best possible policing service for our communities and to Keeping People Safe.


Should you require any further information, please contact your Area Commander

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