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Stonehouse Community Council

Scottish Govt: Parking consultation

Added on 05 April 2017

On 31 March, Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for Transport and the Islands, announced the launch of the public consultation on improving parking in Scotland. The consultation explores how parking is managed across the country, and invites views on how we can deliver a consistent approach to managing and enforcing parking on public roads, including trunk roads, while improving accessibility for all.
Since obtaining powers to legislate on parking matters in the Scotland Act 2016, the Scottish Government is undertaking a detailed review of parking. The Scottish Government recognises the detrimental impact that irresponsible and obstructive parking can have on local communities, including restricting access for emergency services and putting the safety of pedestrians and other motorists in jeopardy.
The impact of parking goes further than governing where people can leave their vehicles. The rules can have a direct impact on town centre regeneration and on accessibility, including the provision of disabled spaces, so it is important that that communities, businesses and interest groups from across Scotland have an opportunity to put their views across to create a set of policies that can help make our roads safer, greener and available to all.
The consultation paper seeks views on a number of aspects, including:

how Scottish Government can make parking laws clearer

what parking restrictions and exemptions should apply

the best approach for managing parking, and

how to manage the placement of vehicles in today’s town centres, including improving accessibility for all, while incorporating new technology.

The consultation is open to all and all interested parties are encouraged to take part in the consultation via the Scottish Government’s consultation platform, Citizen Space, at and will run until 30 June 2017. The consultation paper can be found here -

For further information about the consultation or to request different formats of the document, please email


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