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Stonehouse Community Council


Added on 15 March 2015

This is your opportunity to put your questions directly to the Politicians ahead of the Parliamentary elections for Westminster on 7 May 2015.

An all party Debate will be held on Friday 10 April 2015 at 7.00pm


Scottish Labour Party Michael McCann
Scottish Nationalist Party Dr Lisa Cameron
Scottish Conservative Alex Allison
Scottish Liberal Party Paul McGarry
UKIP Awaiting candidate name

Entry is by free ticket only

Free Tickets can be obtained by e-mail to either George Smith (Chairman) or Robert Freel (Secretary)

You can also e-mail questions that you want to ask or have asked on your behalf by also e-mailing them to the above people.

There are only 200 tickets available on a first come basis

We now have 4 named candidates from the main parties and still await the UKIP nominee.

Tickets will be available at the Community Council meeting on Monday 16 March and thereafter by sending an e-mail as above.

They will be asked to tell us about their manifesto promises and
this is your opportunity to ask your prospective MP what they will do for the village if elected.

Send us a question to be asked or come along and ask the question yourself.

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