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Stonehouse Community Council

South Lanarkshire Council : Consultation on Anti social Behaviour

Added on 15 February 2015

Anti-social Behaviour Strategy Update


South Lanarkshire council are  pleased to enclose a copy of the consultative draft for the refresh of South Lanarkshire’s Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2015-2017.

In support of the ASB Strategy, the Antisocial Behaviour Strategy Implementation Group (ABSIG), is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the strategy, to ensure the actions and performance indicators relating to the four strategic outcomes are achieved.   This Group has representatives from a wide range of partners including the Council, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and meet on a regular basis to discuss progress and agree an action plan.  The group has during 13/14 also been responsible for progressing the refresh of the strategic theme.

This refresh of the Antisocial Behaviour Strategy is being issued for general consultation to a wide range of partners, key stakeholders and interested parties.  I have also enclosed a list of consultation questions, which are featured in the relevant sections of the document and are intended to help guide responses.  The questions are not exhaustive and I would welcome any comments you have which are not covered by a specific question. 

The questionnaire is also available online by using the following link


To ensure that there is sufficient time to consider this important component of the Community Safety Strategy and to feedback responses, the consultation period will run until 24 April 2015.


If you would like additional copies of the draft strategy, or wish to discuss it in more detail, please contact Julie Neville on the number above.  Responses on the strategy should be sent to Strategy and Development, Housing and Technical Resources, 10th Floor, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA. or e-mail

Julie Neville

Policy Officer

South Lanarkshire Council
